Counselling revolves around the personal growth, career and wellness of an individual. The Diploma in Counselling and Guidance programme at victoria University provides a basic entry qualification to professional counselling. It is also appropriate for those individuals who wish to strengthen their counselling skills in their own area of work. Having a background in counselling enables you to assist people by providing them with a structured method in addressing their problems, and guide people in overcoming obstacles as well as personal challenges.
2 ½ years
KPT/JPS ( R/762/4/0024 ) 10/20
Contact us and show us the path to success and perseverance to reach your goal
RM20,000 - RM25,000
*The stated fees are estimation on overall completion of the program. In any cases where there are credit exemptions, offered rebates or approval of scholarship applications, there will be considerable reduction in the fees
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